Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hi Guys,

welcome to my blog! My name is Gabby and I'm going to be your Fitmcmurray home instructor when it comes to active lifestyle, sport and nutrition.

Some of you may have met me since I teach classes at the YMCA in Thickwood and also at the Syncrude Sport & Wellness Centre.

I am a certified personal trainer (ISSA, YMCA, CanFitPro) and also a group fitness instructor (YMCA). I have also taken a CanFitPro based Nutrition and Wellness course and currently studying for my Fitness Therapist certificate with ISSA (International Sport Science Association).

In the past 2 years I have designed more than a hundred class plans an I am going to share those with you so that you can do them in the comfort of your home when you don't feel like getting out. I will also share my recipes with you and talk about healthy eating habits.

Feeling healthy, strong, full of energy is just great. Let me give you a few tips on how to achieve that.